Kundalini Activation is an intensified modality of journeying that integrates multi-dimensional energetics, bodywork, frequency technology, and trauma-informed somatic therapies. In this space, the frequency of Kundalini guides the way as we merely act as conduits for her divine nectar to pour through.

Through this connection, your system responds to the energy in the ways it most needs — whether that’s through somatic movement, vocal expression, deep stillness, or emotional release; you surrender into her embrace and let the intelligence of your body guide the way. This frequency acts as a mirror or catalyst; signalling to your own dormant Kundalini energy that it’s safe and ready to awaken. It is primal, raw, and apart of the innate intelligence of our bodies. It is a returning back to what is true.

Note: I do not impose this energy onto you; rather, I hold the frequency in my own field, and your body responds in its own unique way. Think of it like tuning forks: when one is struck, the others naturally begin to vibrate at the same resonance. This is the essence of what’s happening in the session — a meeting of energies that ignites your own innate life force. From a physiological perspective, this activation impacts the nervous system, brainwave activity, and energy pathways. As the energy begins to flow, the nervous system reacts by discharging built-up tension and recalibrating to hold a higher frequency.

This is also NOT Kundalini Yoga or Kundalini Breathwork; but a direct energy transmission that activates the awakening of your Kundalini energy.


Let me explain…

Rooted in ancient Hindu and yogic philosophy, Kundalini (coming from the Sanskrit word "kundala," which means "coiled" or "twisted”) represents our life force energy that resides at the base of the spine, represented as a coiled up Serpent, often dormant, waiting to be awakened and unleashed. It is the very essence that breathes life into the fabric of our existence. Kundalini courses through every fibre of our being, animating our bodies and shaping our souls. Known by an array of ancient terms—Kundalini, Chi, Prana, Shakti, Qi — it's the fundamental energy that defines who we are and what we embody. In truth, every atom in the the universe is infused with this universal energy. This sacred energy is not bound by time or space; it is ancient and eternal, pulsing through the very fabric of existence.

Kundalini is the intelligence of the universe expressing itself within the human form. To experience Kundalini is to feel the sheer aliveness of existence coursing through every cell of your being. It is to step beyond the linear and into the infinite, where time dissolves, the veil lifts, and you begin to see with the eyes of the soul. This energy is deeply intelligent and cannot be controlled by the mind; it moves in perfect alignment with the needs of your body and spirit. It knows exactly where to go, what to clear, and what to awaken in divine timing.

Kundalini is also deeply personal, meeting each individual in the unique way their soul needs to be met. For some, it arrives as a subtle, gentle unfolding—a quiet whisper that opens the heart.

The experiences can vary significantly from soul to soul, and there is no right or wrong way to experience the healing process; no rulebook. Each person heals and processes in their own unique way; and at their own pace. It is essential to approach these sessions with an openness and a willingness to feel whatever may arise during (and after) a session. To come into this space with n0 judgment and no expectation whether you ahve received Kundalini Activation before or even if this is your first experience. You are always so safely held within these spaces; so I invite you to surrender.

What Can occur within a kundalini activation session?

  • One of the common experiences is spontaneous movements or kriyas. These movements are involuntary and non-intentional. These kriyas occur due to increased millivoltage discharging along the motor neurons and muscle fibres, leading to spontaneous twitches or vibrations, which can cause the body to move. 

    Kriyas are the physical body's way of releasing stagnant or blocked energy and emotions, clearing the path for a lighter state of being. They are temporary experiences that arise as the neural networks, endocrine system, and meridian networks adapt and integrate the amplified signals associated with the awakening of Kundalini energy.

    • Quivering

    • Trembling

    • Twitching

    • Small or massive jerks

    • Graceful movements of hands or other body parts

    • Swaying

    • Grimacing

    • Dance-like movements

    • Yoga postures (including advanced ones)

    • Violent movements like beating of the chest

    • Tapping

    • Muscle contractions

  • Emotional release is another powerful and transformative aspect of Kundalini activation. Stored emotions — whether grief, anger, fear, shame, pleasure, or joy — may surface as the energy clears stagnant layers of experience from the body. These releases can manifest in a myriad of ways from crying, laughing, shouting, swearing, begging, pleading, gutteral tones, light language, and singing. The ways in which we can experience emotional release with the current of Kundalini surging through our bodies is infinite. This process is not linear, nor is it something the mind can rationalize—it is raw, primal, and deeply intuitive. All dense energy held within the body carries an accumulation of emotional charge—a weight that is both energetic and emotional in nature. This density is often the residue of unprocessed experiences, repressed feelings, and suppressed truths, embedded into the tissues, muscles, and energetic pathways of the body. Some common manifestations include:

    • Laughter

    • Crying

    • Singing

    • Light Language

    • Screaming

    • Shouting

    • Humming

    • Yawning

    • Coughing

    • Burping

    • Unfamiliar sounds you may have never made before

  • The activation of Kundalini energy and the opening of the third eye is a distinct yet interconnected phenomena. While the third eye can be opened independently of Kundalini energy, being in the frequency of Kundalini can also stimulate the awakening of the third eye.

    Kundalini has the profound ability to dissolve the rigid constructs of ordinary perception, allowing us to access the deeper, hidden architecture of consciousness. As the energy moves through the system, it can open the inner vision, activating the pineal gland and expanding the capacity to perceive beyond the five senses. This can manifest as visions, symbols, sacred geometry, past-life memories, ancestral imprints, and encounters with spiritual or archetypal beings. These experiences are not hallucinations, nor are they random—rather, they are glimpses into the multidimensional nature of reality, the subconscious, and the greater cosmic intelligence that we are always connected to but rarely perceive in waking consciousness.

  • During the session, there may have intense energy manifesting inwardly. There may not be much external movement or visible emotion, but there will be a deep internal sensation of energy in various parts of the physical body. These sensations often follow the energy’s path as it rises through the chakras, clearing blockages and activating dormant energy centres. These sensations can include:

    • Goosebumps

    • Flickers of energy

    • Sensation of energy flowing like liquid

    • Feeling coldness or heat in specific areas

    • Tingles

    • Numbness

    • Sensations of pain or discomfort in past injuries

    • A weighted, heavy feeling or stiffness

    • Itchiness

    • Pins and needles

    • Electric shocks

    • Energetic pressure in certain parts of the body

    • Sensations of bubbles rising

    • Cool breeze on the skin

    • Popping sensation in the ears

    • Pressure in specific body areas

    It is also incredibly common to enter deeply meditative states, REM (rapid eye movement), and even falling asleep. This is all normal.

Heal with me

This is a process that is unique to you; and how this process looks and the timeframe in which it unravels is deeply personal.

There is no right or wrong.

There is no rulebook.

Throughout this purification process, as our channels begin to clear and Kundalini begins to rise through the Chakras, we are able to access deeper states of bliss, joy, pleasure, and peace. When, and if, you experience a Kundalini Awakening; the energy will have been fully awoken within your entire body and will be free-flowing throughout your entire being.

It’s important to note that during the beginning of our journey whilst this energy is purifying, clearing, and releasing; that whatever we are already expderiencing can be heightened and intensified. Please know that this will pass and it will settle. It’s important to continue attending sessions to allow the body, spirit and nervous system, to go on the journey that it needs to reach a state of safety, completion, and regulation.