Are virtual sessions as powerful and potent as in-person sessions?
Yes - absolutely! Energy transcends physical boundaries; it doesn’t know time and space. Virtual sessions harness the same potent and transformative power as in-person ones.
How many sessions do you recommend having?
You can attend as many sessions regularly as you like; so long as you are able to integrate. For some souls (myself included) - we can receive Activations once or twice a week as I find a few days inbetween is enough time for me to integrate. However, some need more time to integrate so they may attend fortnightly or monthly. It can also shift and change based on how you are feeling and what you are journeying through in your sessions. We will continually move through different seasons so how often you attend sessions will be a reflection of this.
The number of sessions varies based on your individual desires, needs, and your unique experiences. Many experience profound shifts after just a few sessions; while others may benefit from a more ongoing journey. Both are perfect and beautiful; we can discuss what would be best for you.
As always - listen to your body and what you feel you need at any given moment.
I have heard of a Kundalini Awakening before; how is Kundalini Awakening and Kundalini Activation different?
Kundalini Activation refers to the intentional or unintentional initiation of the Kundalini energy within an individual. We are attuning to the frequency of Kundalini in a controlled but surrendered environment, where this energy can begin to awaken at a pace that is not disruptive to the nervous system and Spirit. As time goes on and as your body attunes to the frequency; this can lead to a Kundalini Awakening.
Kundalini Awakenings are the manifestation of a fully unleashed Kundalini. This can happen gradually and safely for the body through Activation; however, for the sake of this example, I am going to speak into what most people often refer to when they speak about a Kundalini Awakening. Kundalini Awakenings usually are quite unpredictable and sporadic when they occur. It can be triggered by various factors such as intense spiritual practices, trauma, and near-death experiences. Kundalini awakenings release large amounts of energy into the body; once awakened in the spine, the kundalini energy will begin to operate the entire central nervous system. This can be a deeply disruptive and overwhelming experience if unpredicted. However, once this energy begins to purify and develop the nervous system, you may start to feel overwhelmed with love, devotion, gratitude and so on.